Process and Timeline
Regulatory Process
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) is the regulatory agency that reviews and approves major utility projects in the state of Wisconsin. ATC must submit an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, which generally includes all the documentation required for the PSCW and WDNR to review the project and make a decision. The PSCW will notify affected individuals when the review process has started and will schedule public hearings so that the public may offer formal comments on the project. This review can take up to a year following the PSCW’s determination that the application is complete.
Project Schedule*
- PSCW - CPCN Application Preparation
- PSCW - Filing, Data Requests and Completeness Determination
- PSCW - CPCN Order
- Preconstruction Efforts - Right of Entry Coordination, Environmental, Reviews, Engineerings, Real Estate, Permits, Geotech, etc.
- General Construction
*Subject to change
** Target for in-service of the 345-kV line from Columbia to Arpin to Tremval substations. Rebuilt lines will be energized and in-service as completed.